God in Bible

Chapter-6: Scientific Proofs of God


Chapter-6: Scientific Proofs of God Through 4 Common Attributes:

While keeping metaphysics and spirituality aside, the four primary physical attributes are being considered here that may help to describe God to any believer or disbeliever in scientific terms: 1)Eternal, independent of time, 2)Omnipresent, found everywhere, 3)Omnipotent, all powerful and 4)Omniscient, all knowing. If these primary attributes are found in one Power and are proved scientifically then that power is God.


Heisenberg came to the conclusion that quantum events cannot be predicted. All freed electrons behave as if they are being influenced by an outside variable or force, Uncertainty Principle. In Signal Travels Farther & Faster than light by Malcolm W.Browne, a force was found connecting two freed electrons and proved to be Eternal, was present within our time yet was not involved with the flow of our time. This Eternal force connects to all freed electrons. Every particle that releases energy connects to this Eternal force.


Everything beyond our solar system that is visible is made of stars, which all release freed electrons, light, radiation etc. This shows that this force to also be Omnipresent everywhere in the universe.


In experiments by Russian scientists they found at that laser photons knew when a DNA molecule was added in to the vacuum.  [http://quantumbalancing.com/news/russian_dna.htm
The photons/electrons collected around the DNA stand and began to change the order of the DNA, changing it to what is desired. After the DNA was removed and the laser turned off the excess photons remained in the position resembling the DNA for over 22 minutes. This simply proves that this force to be Omnipotent, all powerful. It is common observation that we see everything to be so complex, complex environments, complex galaxies and the complexity of nature and life itself. If this force created everything from nothing, we know that energy cannot be created, shows this force to be Omnipotent. Visual evidence is seen in the distance of stars and galaxies across the universe. 
According to the first law of thermodynamics energy cannot be created or destroyed. Then where did all the energy in this universe come from? Does it have something to do with this same force being timeless? The force was able to use freed electrons to manipulate DNA, showing what this force can do on a tiny scale. What can this force do to freed electrons on a large scale? Is the universe expanding form dark matter or this Eternal Force? 
Since the universe is full of freed electrons, one can only imagine what this force could do if it used to work as one single entity. Possibly how the whole universe was created in six eons. 
This data implies that all freed electrons in combination or as a collective to be: Omnipotent, all powerful. This is self evident from the size and distance of galaxies that can be seen across this universe.


In the Double Slit experiment mentioned earlier, light a freed electron showed that it was observant of its surroundings. It knew when it was being watched and knew when it was not. It showed simple means of intelligence by reacting to visual stimuli. The first bit of evidence that showed this force to be, Omniscient. In the STI [Self thinking Interface] Device created by Physicst Roger R.Vogelsan in the early 70’ proved that there is ultimate knowledge in the FORCE which connects to all freed electrons. This FORCE knows everything its Omniscient.

Hence science proves that God is real and His existence is scientifically proved, let’s look at the summary:

1)  God is Eternal: The twin-photon experiment by Dr.Nicholas Gisin verified by later experiments found photons, freed electrons to be connected to this Force. Nothing can go faster that light except this one Force.

2)  God is Omnipresent: This force connects to all freed electrons in our universe. Freed electrons are created when matter is converted in to energy. This force is everywhere even beyond our universe. This force is found to be everywhere in our universe’s past, present & future which we call time as time does not exist to this force.

3) God is Omnipotent: All powerful. We observe galaxies at the furthest reaches of the universe. Not hot gas which first theorised but old galaxies. How can the light now be reaching us and show old galaxies at the furthest extents of the universe? If light has a speed limit, then how did distant galaxies form long before the universe was said to have begun? This force again shows that it is Omnipotent and Timeless.

4) God is Omniscient: All knowing. Physicst Roger R.Vogelsang found with his STI Device that not only could this force read thoughts and knew all things in the past and future but have knowledge of every thing past, present and future.

God is Eternal, Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient, Science proves it!


Believe in God in 5 Minutes (Scientific Proof) - YouTube


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Gerald Schroeder is a scientist with over thirty years of experience in research and teaching. ...have been reported in Time, Newsweek,Scientific American and in .... You won't findanyone there fighting against its authenticity.

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